This application will google basic terms, scan through the results and filter out results of different case than the search terms.
Support for phrase search (quotes) has been recently added and other advanced search options like negative terms, etc. are available as well by using the second input box to provide filter terms without the advanced options.
Support for phrase search (quotes) has been recently added and other advanced search options like negative terms, etc. are available as well by using the second input box to provide filter terms without the advanced options.
The initial intention was to create an application which would run a query for a longer period and the client would poll for new results in every few seconds. As the app engine can not spwan sub process the client has to wait until the query is finished and won't get any results until that. The user can set the maximum number of results that will be returned and the maximum number of Google results that will be scanned through.
Thanx for your comments in advance.
As a genealogist I am most interested in case sensitive searches. My favourite case study is Rose Bush. Oh, how we need case sensitive for this!! There are many surnames too - Said, Plant, Web, Sale, Grave etc etc
Good luck with your project.
Hi - I really like the idea, but it doesn't seem to be working at present (as of 19 August 2009): I tried a search for "polish" (as in "shoe polish") but got numerous hits for dictionaries containing the word "Polish" (uppercase P).
Could you please how to use this? I typed in "Bill", then "bill" but it seems to return the same thing. All I see is a column of File and BadQueryError. I google searched for Help for this application but could not get one.
Hi bro,
One friend's opinion (plz take it positively)
1)Not really many results on one page. You have to click the not-so-obvious Next button to go to next page.
2)Query and Filter? Why doesn't it just work as one would expect? (You type it in the cases you want in a search bar and it uses that to filter)
3)I have no idea what it means by Limit: [number] and From: [number] to [number].
4)It doesn't really look that good... a bit simple, and has numbers to the left of results (?).
Thank you for your efforts. Even if I could just get the 1000 results on a single page then I could copy and paste it into a word processor and do a case sensitive search there.
It doesn't work. Nothing happens.
"makin" is much more rare than i thought, but "makin'" breaks the server script.
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